Our Story in english only
More than a story, LudoViro® is an adventure ! It started by the meeting between two creative visionary women...
Since 2009, models after models the basic scientific debate support has become the multiple-use infectiology game LudoViro ! With more than 160 tests and events on different public of players, from 6 to 70 years-old, from non-scientific to virology experts, it has prooved his power of communication !!
Isa and Nancy
2010 - 2013 : financial support from Academic Research Community 1 - Health - Region Rhône-Alpes.
2011 : first prototype
test at French annual event "Fête de la Science"
2013 : final product LudoViro-1
playing LudoViro with a Nobel Prize awardee at the Biovision Forum
2014 : invited to Acfas Conference, Montreal QC
playing LudoViro with experts in Human Sciences
2015 : crowdfunding on KissKissBankBank
virtualization of the game leader on an App
2016, March : LudoViro-2 with App will come out !!
ready to be challenged by our virtual game leader ?